Sponsorship Program

The Marshall County Convention & Visitors Bureau (dba Visit Marshall County) is solely funded by innkeepers tax dollars and is a not-for-profit organization. MCCVB/VMC has set aside funding for the marketing and development of events exhibiting community pride building/quality of place and positive tourism potential to Marshall County.

Consideration will be given to events that have a long tradition in the community, build community pride, have multiple volunteers, reach deep into the community with commitments (volunteers, donations, fund raising capability, etc.) and become visiting friends and relatives segment marketing opportunities. Events must promote a positive image of Marshall County; promote and encourage overnight visitors; encourage visitation during off peak months; create a direct local impact and draw positive exposure.

Applicants must be organizations seeking to produce and promote a well-defined tourism-oriented festival or event. Application requests for funding are for events scheduled January 1 through December 31, 2023.

MCCVB/VMC will accept and evaluate completed applications at their bi-monthly board meetings. Again, all events must take place by December 31, 2023. Applications should be submitted for consideration at least 45 days in advance. Applicants will receive notification the week after the board meeting in which their application was evaluated.

Board Meetings are May, July, September, & November.

Events that are approved for sponsorships must use our logo that can be found here on all promotional pieces, social media, banners, etc. Below you will find links to our Word and PDF version of the Sponsorship Form. All forms and any attachments can be emailed to jbeatty@visitmarshallcounty.org or mailed to Visit Marshall County P.O. Box 669 Plymouth, IN 46563. Please email if you have any questions!

Sponsorship Form in Word

Sponsorship Form in PDF